Monday, August 12, 2013

Spoils of an Addict

Alrighty folks, this is Stephen, the S in S&D Gunpla. As you have seen Dave and I are back from our (mis)adventure at Otakon. I bought a lot of kits and I believe these will be the starting point for Micro Reviews. Whats Micro-reviews you ask? Well are you ever out and see a kit and want to impulse buy but have a little more info on it? That is where Micro reviews comes in. Quick, concise, 3 or 4 minute (haven't decided yet) Videos that give you the good, bad, and possibilities of a kit. It won't be the massive in depth video collections like Rrobbert184 or or 10 min videos like Jabman, but enough to give you a general idea. Please look forward to it.  - Stephen

Seriously what the F**k did I just do to myself. :/


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